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 THE Experience

Rocky Mountain Ministries is about experience. We want to experience God and the power of the Holy Spirit in  every part of our lives. We want to experience acceptance and fellowship. Our Worship services relay that desire.

Experience...a spiritual celebration designed to connect you to God.

Hear...the gospel according to the Bible and the big sound system and modern rock music.

See...the video clips and the message outline on the big screen and the stage lights that compliment the music.

Smell ...the coffee and popcorn

Taste...the latte, cappuccino, Mocha or italian soda while you listen.

feel..the acceptance and casual, relaxed atmosphere. your spiritual need without embarrassment.


We don't "pass the plate" here. While we whole-heartedly believe in giving as outlined in the Bible we don't believe in pressuring people to do something out of fear of rejection. We have offering boxes located in the auditorium for those who wish to give tithes and/or monetary offerings.

The Trinity

One God, the Creator of all things, who reveals Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

Who is fully God and fully man at the same time, who became like us to bring about our salvation.

The Holy Spirit

Who is active in the world, bringing us to salvation and guiding us with His presence.

The Bible

Which is the Word of God, giving us all we need to know about how to be saved and live in relationship with Him.

We Are All Sinners

By both nature and act, and we need God's forgiveness and cleansing.

Jesus Died and Rose from the Dead

By trusting in His death and resurrection we can be restored to a right relationship with God.

God Enables

Us to turn to Him from sin, but that He does not force us to.

Each Must Repent

Turn away from his/her sins, and trust in Christ to accept Him.

When We Turn

From sin and trust in Christ, the old record of sin is wiped clean, and we are born again, thus becoming part of the family of God.

After Turning

We need to be continually and increasingly filled with God's Spirit.

The Church

Is the Body of Christ, carrying out His mission through the power of the Holy Spirit.


And we urge people to be baptized as Christians.

The Lord's Supper

The Holy Eucharist, or Communion, as described by Jesus Christ to be in remembrance of Him.

God's Healing Touch

That God can heal, and we pray for healing. We also believe that He can work through medical science.

The Second Coming

That Jesus Christ is coming again, this time in power and glory to claim His own.


What we believe

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